
Vote Suggestion To Enhance White House President Trump Freedom America Ukraine Dialogue And Relations

Te Vote, United States House Of Representatives, 2019 September (Or Thereafter)
By Kevin A. Sensenig

2020 September 19

Vote Suggestion To Enhance White House President Trump Freedom America Ukraine Dialogue And Relations

In careful ascertainment of the text and written direct transcript of the conversation between United States President Donald J. Trump and newly elected Ukraine President Zelensky, we the United States House Of Representatives do make the following respectful and enthusiastic suggestions for the White House and President Trump, that the following be put into place:

1)  An additional statement appended to the transcript, that we would have said, "President Zelensky, we need to make sure everyone follows the law.  I am asking you to make sure Tom Tillis alligator guy and Hunter Biden connection guy both obey, support, and ethic the law."

2)  An additional statement appended to the transcript, such that President Trump would say, "President Zelensky, would you be able to share two books written in English that I can share with the American People, that you recommend as favorites of yours, that we should read."

We the House Of Representatives recommend a new web page be added to White House website that has a photo of President Zelensky, a photo of President Trump, an image of the Ukraine flag, an image of the American flag, a bio of President Zeresky written by White House, and a list in large font, the two book titles and authors that President Zelensky shares with President Trump to share with the American People.

We also recomment that the transcript of the converstation be listed as a link, on that page, and that this document also be listed as a link, on that page.

The House Of Representatives
2020 September.

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Published by Kevin A. Sensenig, nxmvc, www.nxmvc.com
Copyright 2020 Kevin A. Sensenig
free to print and share


Enjoy, note Te Compute-Center United States Constitution, the President, the Congress, and the Foreign Relations.

A free Nation.  A free Press.  A to publish as a citizen of a free State.  Thank you to Free America, and many Nations.  And to Zen Rinzai, Zen Mumon, Zen Unmon, Zen Obaku, Zen Dogen; and in support of thought and practice, from ancient and modern, both secular and spiritual and religious, and free.

Copyright 2012-2020 Kevin A. Sensenig.